Data science has become a central component in most analytical and decision-making processes. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in academia and industry to share the most recent and exciting advances in data science theory and applications. In particular, the event will gather researchers and practitioners in various academic disciplines of data science, including statistics, machine learning, big data, and computer science, along with experts in academic and industrial domains, such as smart cities, finances, biology, and criminology.
The program will include 10 plenary talks and 2 mini-courses. Mini-courses will use a hands-on methodology, where students will learn in practice Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing to solve real-world problems involving massive data.
Location: FGV-RJ Auditorium 12º floor
Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Date: 01 April 2019 to 05 April 2019