The Italian Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro and Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) have maintained a relationship that has grown stronger over the years. Recently, the two institutions reaffirmed the goal of consolidating their partnership, by strengthening their cooperation through meetings, seminars and technical studies. The aim is to foster bilateral relations between Brazil, more specifically between the State of Rio de Janeiro, and Italy, in specific strategic issues.
The photo above ilustrates the meeting between the Consul General of Italy in Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Paolo Miraglia del Giudice, and the President of FGV, Professor Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal, in November 2020 held by FGV Europe.
As part of its own institutional activities to create opportunities for cooperation between entities of Brazil and Italy, the Italian Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro and the Italian Embassy in Brazil have been promoting the initiative Research to Business Italy-Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the initiative is to approximate the scientific communities and the public and private actors from Italy and Brazil, in order to consolidate the scientific and technical-operational cooperation to promote projects for the sustainable development of Brazilian cities, with specific focus on the State of Rio de Janeiro. This initiative has the support of major Italian corporate groups such as ENEL, Leonardo and TIM, world references in the sectors of energy, electric mobility, technologies, connectivity and cybersecurity.
It is worth mentioning that, with the objective of supporting the Brazilian market in the sectors of civil and public safety and critical infrastructure, the companies ENEL X Brazil, Leonardo do Brasil, and TIM Brazil, signed at the Italian Embassy in Brasilia on June 9, 2021, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of joint solutions focused on a smart, integrated, safe, and resilient city model.
This initiative includes a bilateral cooperation meeting in 2021 to implement Smart City solutions in the State of Rio de Janeiro and in other Brazilian States. Given the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, the Italian Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro and the Italian Embassy in Brazil have decided to hold the meeting virtually, in the format of a webinar.
The II Research to Business Meeting 2021 – Projects Development for Cities of the Future in Brazil will take place on September 8 and 9, 2021 and has the following objectives:
• Promote dialogue, awareness, dissemination and promotion of technical cooperation actions for the implementation of solutions for the sustainable development of Brazilian cities;
• Involve academia, the productive sector, civil society and the public power in the debate about the necessary actions for the realization of Smart Cities in Brazil
• To consolidate the engagement of Brazilian and Italian stakeholders for cooperation in the scope of solutions for the cities of the future;
• Promote a cooperation network to implement innovative solutions for Brazilian cities, based on bilateral technical cooperation; and
• Identify solutions for Smart Cities developed by Italian entities that can be implemented in Brazilian cities.
Within this context, the Italian Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro and the Italian Embassy in Brazil count with FGV Europe for the organization of the event, considering its expertise, as well as FGV's technological infrastructure, to carry out the virtual seminars of international scope.
It is worth mentioning that FGV's mission is to promote the dissemination of knowledge for the development of Brazil; for this reason, in addition to its courses and research, the institution traditionally organizes events to debate relevant themes, with the participation of political, scientific, and professional entities.