The international project and advisory unit of Brazilian Think Tank Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV Europe and the German Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro, with support of the German Federal Foreign Office, have initiated the bilateral technical cooperation initiative TOWARDS A JUST TRANSITION: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MINAS GERAIS.
The initiative aims at proposing and implementing a new model of economic development for the mining regions of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, based on the concept “Just Transition”. In a nutshell, a “Just Transition” transforms a regional economy dependent on extractive activities (in the case of Minas Gerais, mainly minerals), into a more diversified, dynamic and sustainable economy. It is noteworthy that this is a highly complex process that requires the active participation of local stakeholders on a long-term basis.
The central idea of the initiative TOWARDS A JUST TRANSITION: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MINAS GERAIS is to bring to Brazil the knowledge and experience of the former coal regions in Germany, which have been or are still carrying out just transition processes and are considered international good practice examples. The adoption of development models that have already been implemented in Germany entails the transfer and adaptation of technologies, planning and governance models, and finance structures. Issues related to mining accidents in the state of Minas Gerais will not be addressed in the context of the bilateral initiative.
The initiative will kick off with a two-day event to be realized on the 18th and 19th of March 2020 in the city of Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais. The event will consist of a conference and a workshop and intends to discuss both the German experiences and the opportunities and challenges of implementing a sustainable just transition process in Minas Gerais.