
Tentative Program:

Invited Minisymposia:

Women in Inverse Problems Workshop (WiIP) at AIP

* Tuesday 12:00 Women in IP Luncheon
* Tuesday 13:30 Paralel session 3
* Tuesday 16:00 Paralel session 4
* Wednesday 9:50 Poster session WiIP

Inverse Problems are at the heart of scientific research and technological development. In general, any endeavor to extract knowledge from data, can be viewed as an inverse problem. From the mathematical point of view inverse problems lie at the interface between optimization, partial differential equations, probability, and statistics. They find applications in diverse areas such as medical imaging, characterization of the Earth's interior, remote sensing, glaciology, non-destructive testing of materials, etc.

The objective of this event is to bring together women in the broad and vibrant field of Inverse Problems. Both established as well as early career researchers will come together to discuss their recent research achievements via a luncheon, a two-part minisymposium and poster session. This meeting will facilitate professional networking and create mentoring opportunities for women researchers. The ultimate goal is to help broaden female participation in research careers in particular in the field of Inverse Problems, as well as to create new research collaborations.

Organizers (IPIA diversity committee):
Elena Beretta (chair), Tatiana Bubba, Barbara Kaltenbacher, Rashmi Murthy, Noemi Petra, Carola Schönlieb, Chrysoula Tsogka

40th Anniversary of the Journal Inverse Problems (1985 - 2025)
* Thursday 13:30 Paralel session 5
* Thursday 16:00 Paralel session 6

Inverse Problems ( is a peer-reviewed, broad-based interdisciplinary journal for pure and applied mathematicians and physicists produced by IOP Publishing. It combines theoretical, experimental and mathematical papers on inverse problems with numerical and practical approaches to their solution. The journal has a specialized relevance to workers in geophysics, optics, radar, acoustics, communication theory, signal processing and medical imaging.

The editor-in-chief is Otmar Scherzer at University of Vienna, Austria.

It is indexed in Applied Mechanics Reviews, INSPEC Information Services, ISI (Science Citation Index, SciSearch, ISI Alerting Services, COMPUMATH Citation Index, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences), Mathematical Reviews, Current Mathematical Publications, MathSciNet, Engineering Index/Ei Compendex, Zentralblatt MATH, and VINITI Abstracts Journal.