Submission of Proposals


Submission of Paper and Panel Proposals

The conference program committee welcomes the submission of proposals for individual papers, professional workshops and fully formed panels. High-quality conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and policy- and practice-oriented research is welcome. All proposals should: (1) briefly explain how the paper, workshop or panel connects to the overall conference theme, (2) note the individual conference track in which the proposal best fits, (3) include 3-4 keywords, and (4) provide complete contact information for the corresponding individual.  Proposals for individual papers or workshops should include an abstract of 250-400 words. Proposals for fully formed panels should consist of three to four complementary papers and include an abstract of 400-600 words. Review of paper, workshop and panel proposal submission is open and will continue through April 20, 2018. Proposals will be evaluated by the program committee and decisions will be notified via email on or before May 5, 2018. Proposals should be e-mailed to the program committee chairs, Dr. Alketa Peci ( and Dr. Marco Ferreira (


Publication Opportunity
Conference participants are encouraged to submit their papers for consideration of inclusion in an edited book or special issue of an academic journal. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Further details about the publication opportunity will be provided by May 18, 2018.