
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
Founded in 1944, is a world-renowned center for quality education and research. FGV was responsible for laying the foundations for a well-grounded Brazilian economy, introducing the first balance-ofpayments
index, the national account, and several macroeconomic indicators. FGV is known for its reliability and excellence. The solid knowledge of market dynamics and practices, great academic quality, and the international experience of its researchers have allowed FGV to create a diversified and comprehensive set of products designed to meet the needs of its stakeholders, whether in the public or private sectors. FGV operates eleven academic schools and eighty-seven applied research centers in Brazil.

For more information, click here.

Council of Councils Mission Statement
The defining foreign policy challenges of the twenty-first century are global in nature. To help direct high-level international attention and effective policy responses to these threats and opportunities, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has created the Council of Councils (CoC). The CoC is composed of twenty-seven major policy institutes from some of the world’s most influential countries. It is designed to facilitate candid, not-for-attribution dialogue and consensus- building among influential opinion leaders from both established and emerging nations, with the ultimate purpose of injecting the conclusions of its deliberations into high-level foreign policy circles in members’ countries.

For more information, click here.