
LACIAM: January 30th - February 3rd 2023, FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Recognizing the advances achieved by mathematics and their applications; the growing presence of applied and computational mathematics in different areas of activity; the convenience of unifying efforts to consolidate and strengthen these advances in the world; the proposal to organize the Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - LACIAM comes naturally. The congress aims at bringing together researchers, students and other professionals from different centers in Latin America and other parts of the world, that work in Applied Mathematics or related fields.

The one-week program includes conferences, thematics sessions, poster presentations and panels. Special emphasis will be given to the participation of young researchers and for the creation of collaborative networks between the existing research groups. The areas of interest of the event are all the disciplines of Applied, Computational and Industrial mathematics including, but not limited to, the following fields:

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Control and Optimization
Discrete Mathematics
Statistics, Probability and Stochastic Methods
Partial Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Analysis
Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Game Theory
Applied Mathematics in Computer Science
Mathematics of Life Sciences (including Mathematical Biology)
Applied Mathematics for Industry and Engineering


Brazilian Organizing Committee:

Chair: María Soledad Aronna, FGV EMAp

Co-chair: Pablo Martín Rodriguez, UFPE and President of SBMAC - Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional

Liliane Basso Barichello, UFRGS and ICIAM officer-at-large

Sandra Augusta Santos, UNICAMP

José Alberto Cuminato, USP and Director of the CeMEAI - Centro de Ciências Matemáticas Aplicadas à Indústria


Scientific Committee:

Maria Esteban, CNRS & Université Paris Dauphine, France

Celina Herrera de Figueiredo, UFRJ, Brazil

Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin, Germany

Héctor Ramírez Cabrera, Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) - U. de Chile, Chile

Claudia Sagastizábal, UNICAMP, Brazil

Domingo Alberto Tarzia, Universidad Austral, Rosario,  Argentina


Local Committee:

Dayse Haime Pastore, Cefet/RJ

Hugo de la Cruz Cancino, FGV EMAp

María Soledad Aronna, FGV EMAp

Yuri Fahham Saporito, FGV EMAp

Lucas Machado Moschen, FGV EMAp